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Using a compassionate Invitational Intervention, ARISE Comprehensive Care is a gradually-escalating process of respectful, gentle family meetings, that leads the loved one into appropriate treatment and recovery. The Person of Concern is invited to join the process right from the beginning with no surprises, no secrets, no coercion, and absolute respect and love. This is directed towards getting the addicted loved one into treatment with the least possible effort through a loving, compassionate and non-blaming First Call and First Meeting. The support system is mobilized to form a committed Intervention and Recovery Network to motivate the addicted individual into treatment.

Enjoying Outdoor


Our Comprehensive Care model extends beyond initial treatment and focuses on ongoing recovery for both the individual and their family. Families are naturally resilient and capable, with the ability to drive significant change through their loyalty, intergenerational dynamics, and protective instincts. A flexible, supportive approach allows families, friends, and support networks to actively participate in motivating change, remaining integral to treatment and aftercare. 

Supporting Long-Term Recovery: Continuous family education and involvement are critical as recovery evolves over time. We guide families through 12-step meetings and peer support programs to ensure everyone is on the path to healing.


Promoting Healthy Relationships: By resolving lingering family disagreements and improving communication, we help families learn to celebrate successes, grieve losses, and relax together.

Relapse Prevention: We help individuals avoid falling back into harmful thought patterns or behaviors after treatment by revisiting and refining their relapse prevention plan.


Identifying Triggers: We work with individuals and families to identify triggers for self-destructive behaviors and develop healthier coping mechanisms.

What you receive when working with us

Mustard Flowers

I believe that all families are inherently resilient, and my goal is to help them tap into that strength—providing the support they need for themselves while connecting them with the most effective resources for their loved one. We create a personalized plan that aligns with your family's values, concerns, and goals by providing compassionate and comprehensive services for addiction and mental health disorders. 

  • The Support Network remains involved in collaboration throughout intervention, treatment & early recovery

  • The process relies on the inherent strength, motivation, and resilience of the family

  • The focus is on individual AND family recovery and healing

  • Individuals are invited and motivated to enter and participate actively in treatment 


Families who work with us realize that recovery isn’t just about getting their loved one into treatment; it’s about creating a sustainable path for long-term healing. 

Choose Lasting Change—

Choose Comprehensive Care


Initial Call & Assessment

Confidential Phone Consultation: The process begins with a private, confidential phone call where you can discuss your concerns without judgment. This call is essential for understanding the unique dynamics at play and for gathering important details about the individual of concern, their situation, and the family’s goals.

Tailored Approach Development: During this consultation, you will receive guidance on the intervention process. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, express concerns, and discuss any previous attempts at seeking help. Based on this discussion, a personalized plan will be crafted that aligns with the family’s specific needs and the individual’s circumstances.


The Intervention

Compassionate, Private Intervention: The intervention is conducted in a supportive and understanding environment, designed to encourage the individual of concern to consider treatment willingly. Unlike confrontational methods, the ARISE model emphasizes compassion and empathy, allowing family members to express their feelings and concerns in a way that fosters connection and understanding.


Professional Facilitation: I facilitate the conversation, ensuring that it remains focused and productive. I provide strategies to help family members communicate their love and concern without blaming or shaming the individual.


Post-Treatment & Family Support

Continued Care Through Coaching: After treatment, I continue with ongoing coaching sessions for both the individual and their family. These sessions aim to support the recovery journey and address any challenges that arise during this critical phase.

Regular Family Meetings: I provide regular follow-ups to assess progress and offer additional resources as needed. These check-ins help reinforce the importance of sustained recovery efforts and maintain open lines of communication, allowing families to discuss their concerns and successes as they navigate life after treatment.


Relapse Prevention Strategies: I work with both the individual and family to develop relapse prevention strategies that are tailored to their specific situations, ensuring that everyone involved is equipped to handle potential challenges and maintain a supportive environment.


Building a Support Network

Assembling the Family and Professional Support System: After the initial assessment, the next step is to bring together a supportive team that includes family members, trusted friends, and, if appropriate, professionals such as therapists or counselors. This team plays a crucial role in the intervention process.

Respecting Confidentiality Needs: Special attention will be given to maintaining confidentiality, especially given the unique position of licensed professionals. I  communicate effectively with team members while ensuring that sensitive information is handled discreetly.


Treatment Coordination

Selecting the Best Treatment Options: I assist the family in researching and choosing the most suitable treatment options. This may include private, discreet facilities that cater specifically to licensed professionals, ensuring that the individual's privacy and professional reputation are respected.


Providing Transportation: I coordinate safe and confidential transportation to the treatment center. This ensures a smooth transition into treatment, alleviating any stress or anxiety the individual may have about getting there.

To build a foundation for healing, we give families their power back by developing the skills, strategies and attitudes that make understanding, helping and healing possible.

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